Job Description Design Based on Business Process Mapping and Workload Analysis Using M-FTE and Draws
Adithya SUDIARNO1 , Ilham AKBAR2 , Ratna Sari DEWI3 , Anny MARYANI4 , Dyah Santhi DEWI5
1,2,3,4,5 Industrial System and Engineering Dept., Faculty of Industrial Technology and System Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institut of Technology, Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Page 9 – 13 | Vol. 6 No. 1 2021 | Available online on 1 Jun 2021
An Indonesian State-Owned Company which works on IT-based projects is experiencing an unbalanced workload among its project teams. This problem causes profit loss due to the overruns of project schedules. It has been determined that this problem originates from the job descriptions for each position that has not been well structured. Therefore, business process mapping is needed to reformulate the job description by employing a RASCI (Responsible-Accountable-SupportConsulted-Informed) Matrix. The revised job description is then used as the basis of Modified Full-Time Equivalent (MFTE) calculation and subjective workload assessment. M-FTE calculation shows the ideal number of personnel needed for a specific position. The subjective workload assessment is also conducted in this study to complement M-FTE calculation. It is conducted by using the Defense Research Agency Workload Scale (DRAWS). Both M-FTE and DRAWS indicate the overload condition of each position. Finally, this study recommends adding one personnel for each position evaluated.
RASCI Matrix, Workload Analysis, M-FTE, and DRAWS
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