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Mobile Application Development for Safer Motorcyclists’ Behaviour
F. Mohd Siam1, M. K. Alhapiz Ibrahim2, N. Isah3, N. A. Mohamad4, A. A. Ab Rashid5, A. Hamzah6, A. K. Makhtar7 & K. A. Abu Kassim8
Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia1,2,3,4,5,6,8
School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia7
Page 1 – 18 | Vol. 7 No. 1 2022 | Available online on 1 Jun 2022
Road accidents in Malaysia especially involving motorcyclists are incredibly alarming. As a result, our country has been suffered significant losses, especially in terms of human capital. Therefore, comprehensive and effective efforts must be taken by all parties, either government or private organizations, to address these critical issues. Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), as the leading institution that focuses on road safety research in Malaysia, has developed a mobile application approach as one of the initiatives to overcome the problem. This paper highlights the development of the mobile application that be able to measure safe riding behaviours among motorcyclists, which then called as Safer Riders Behavioural Scores (SCORES). The development involved the identification of four variables that contribute to safe riding behaviours, which were stress, fatigue, situational awareness, and hazard perception. The process of measurement, integration, analysis, and results display of the identified variables were performed by the SCORES mobile application. The main page of SCORES contains evaluation components (i.e., rider details and all four variables) and information icons (i.e., contact us, application details, additional participants, main page, participant list with scores, server setting, and user profile). All the recorded data can be accessed and downloaded from the secured server for further data analysis. It is hoped that the SCORES will give benefits to society, particularly motorcyclists for road safety betterment in Malaysia.
Mobile application, motorcyclists’ behaviour, road safety.
© 2022 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFEM). All rights reserved.
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Human Factors & Ergonomics Journal (HFEJ), eISSN: 2590-3705 is the official Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Malaysia. The journal is published on a biannual basis. HFEJ aims to address current research in the field of Ergonomics in addition to the broad coverage of cognitive ergonomics, user experience, physical ergonomics and others such as transportation, industrial design and industrial engineering. HFEJ is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), as such we only accept original work.