Job Description Design Based on Business Process Mapping and Workload Analysis Using M-FTE and Draws

Job Description Design Based on Business Process Mapping and Workload Analysis Using M-FTE and Draws

Adithya SUDIARNO1 , Ilham AKBAR2 , Ratna Sari DEWI3 , Anny MARYANI4 , Dyah Santhi DEWI5

1,2,3,4,5 Industrial System and Engineering Dept., Faculty of Industrial Technology and System Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institut of Technology, Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia

Page 9 – 13   |   Vol. 6 No. 1 2021   |    Available online on 1 Jun 2021


An Indonesian State-Owned Company which works on IT-based projects is experiencing an unbalanced workload among its project teams. This problem causes profit loss due to the overruns of project schedules. It has been determined that this problem originates from the job descriptions for each position that has not been well structured. Therefore, business process mapping is needed to reformulate the job description by employing a RASCI (Responsible-Accountable-SupportConsulted-Informed) Matrix. The revised job description is then used as the basis of Modified Full-Time Equivalent (MFTE) calculation and subjective workload assessment. M-FTE calculation shows the ideal number of personnel needed for a specific position. The subjective workload assessment is also conducted in this study to complement M-FTE calculation. It is conducted by using the Defense Research Agency Workload Scale (DRAWS). Both M-FTE and DRAWS indicate the overload condition of each position. Finally, this study recommends adding one personnel for each position evaluated.


RASCI Matrix, Workload Analysis, M-FTE, and DRAWS

© 2022 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFEM). All rights reserved.

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Human Factors & Ergonomics Journal (HFEJ), eISSN: 2590-3705  is the official Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Malaysia.  The journal is published on a biannual basis. HFEJ aims to address current research in the field of Ergonomics in addition to the broad coverage of cognitive ergonomics, user experience, physical ergonomics and others such as transportation, industrial design and industrial engineering. HFEJ is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), as such we only accept original work.

Ergonomics Risk Assessment of Worker’s Tasks at CPJ Farm: An Advanced Assessment Using Reba Methodology

Ergonomics Risk Assessment of Worker's Tasks at CPJ Farm: An Advanced Assessment Using Reba Methodology

Najwa Nazihah Ishak1 , Salwa Mahmood1 , Mohd Zakwan Zulkifli2

1Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Pagoh Campus, KM 1 Jalan Panchor, 84600 Pagoh, Johor

2Chareon Pokphand Jaya (CPJ) Farm Kulai, Lot 188, Jalan Sg. Sayong, 81800 Kulai, Johor, Malaysia

(*Corresponding author’s e-mail:

Page 1 – 8   |   Vol. 6 No. 1 2021   |    Available online on 1 Jun 2021


Agriculture sector is regarded as one of the essential industries worldwide and one of the unsafe sectors in developing and the developed worlds. Initial Ergonomics Risk Assessment (ERA) and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) tools have been used to analyze the worker’s posture in the maintenance department at Chareon Pokphand Jaya (CPJ) Farm Kulai. However, this kind of job might contribute musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs) related injuries, as it mostly involves tough tasks. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the ergonomics risk factors of workers’ and intended to analyze the condition of the selected task in the maintenance department at CPJ Farm Kulai. This assessment focused on cutting and welding tasks workers’ posture. This project was conducted using the ERA checklist and REBA worksheet. Kinovea
software was also used to help observe and assess the worker’s working posture. The initial ERA scores for the cutting and welding tasks are more than the minimum requirement for advanced assessment which indicates the need for further investigation. An advanced ERA needs to be performed to reduce risk factors. The results of REBA show that score obtained were 5 for both the cutting and welding tasks. Based on these scores, the worker was at medium risk for MSDs and cumulative trauma disorder (CTDs). Finally, a new ergonomic workstation design for a worker is proposed to minimize and eliminate the risk of work-related to entire body disorder exposure.


Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Ergonomic Risk Factors, Ergonomics Risk Assessment, Rapid Entire Body Assessment

© 2022 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFEM). All rights reserved.

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Human Factors & Ergonomics Journal (HFEJ), eISSN: 2590-3705  is the official Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Malaysia.  The journal is published on a biannual basis. HFEJ aims to address current research in the field of Ergonomics in addition to the broad coverage of cognitive ergonomics, user experience, physical ergonomics and others such as transportation, industrial design and industrial engineering. HFEJ is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), as such we only accept original work.